You got me

Tim Phạm - 2023
Select Size
50 x 70
Artwork type

“Sometimes a touch doesn’t have to be the contact between 2 physical objects, it could be the invisible connection between them.” – Tim Phạm

Medium: Giclee printing on ILFORD Smooth Cotton Rag 310 gsm paper

Limited edition of 30

Dimension: 50cm x 70cm


Artist Profile:

Tim Phạm
(b.1990) Saigon, Vietnam
Advertorial illustration work for Vespa, Chanel, Tam Vi Restaurant, Ofelia, Boniva Chocolatier.
Editorial illustration work for Elle Magazine, L’officiel Magazine, Mensfolio
Fashion Illustration work for Li Lam, Gia Studio,  Magonn, Meman
